Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Friday, November 27, 2009

Step-Up to Thanksgiving 2009 by Mrs. Bain

           What are you thankful for?  I have several things for which I am so thankful!
           First, I have an amazing family.  I love my wonderful husband and my handsome sons, Chris and Ian.  I am thankful for their senses of humor and kind hearts. Mr. Bain is always doing sweet things like bringing me coffee from Starbuck's and buying me little presents like my new necklace.  Ian and Chris do nice things for me around the house.  Chris and Ian just put new toilets in my bathrooms and new faucets too. They are always helpful with things like carrying in the groceries and taking out the trash.  All of them are funny and keep me laughing.
         Next, I am thankful for my awesome classI have thirty great students in my class.  They are bright and funny and very sweet.  They like learning and make me proud of how hard they work every day.  Each of my students is different but they are all great.  I have some kids who amaze me with their math skills.  I have some who are fantastic writers (I'm sure you've seen that for yourself on this blog.)  I also have some superb readers.  I like to joke and play with my class and they have fun too.  We laugh a lot, but we also work hard because we know how important learning is.
            Also, my  friends are pretty spectacular I am lucky to have a group of great friends.  Many of these friends are teachers, like me, who like to share ideas and stories.  We all like to laugh together and just enjoy each other's company. I meet with some of my friends for dinner and movie watching.  We like to play board games and video games.  The best game to play with friends is called, "Apples to Apples".  My friend, Austin, always try to convince us to pick his card.  
             Last, I am thankful that I have a roof over my head and good food in my belly!  I live in a simple, but cozy home with my family and my job provides money for food and clothes. I can buy groceries that I like to eat.  I can shop for the clothes that I like to wear. I have tons of shoes because I am crazy about shoes.  I appreciate how important this is because I work with kids who do not have homes but live in a shelter with other families.  The kids in the shelter have to eat whatever the people cook for them and only some of them even have beds.  At the shelter, kids and moms sleep on mats in a big room. 
             I am lucky that I have so many wonderful things to be thankful this Thanksgiving!  It is important to think about how thankful we are every day and not just on Thanksgiving.  What are some things you are grateful for? 

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