Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Break!

 What is everyone doing during this beautiful Spring break?  The weather has been fantastic.  I am going to a fancy resort hotel in Palm Springs with my family where I plan to lay around by the pool!  Mr. Bain voted to go hiking while we are there or maybe go to the Living Desert, too.  My whole family will be spending Easter day in Dana Point at my Aunt's house and there is going to be an Easter Egg Hunt for all the kids (even the BIG kids!)  I can't wait! 

I hope everyone is spending a few minutes each day working on RTQ's!  I added a new and improved website with cool links.   Stop by for a visit:

Let me know how you like the new site and have a great week!

Mrs. Bain