Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Thursday, November 12, 2009

2012 by:FAITH

Hi my name is FAITH and I saw some previews about the new movie: 2012, which is coming out November 13,2009. The movie is about the world ending on December 21, 2012. It will end by: earthquakes, fires, tsunamis,and floods. One family tries to get away by airplane and are totaly shocked because the husband told the family the world is going to end but the wife said nothing is going to happen because the President said not to panic because the world is not going to end. But, the world was ending so he was wrong.


  1. I saw the preiwvews about it in the thearater and thought it was pretty scary because it was in 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I agree with Samantha! The preview makes it look like a very scary movie and I didn't even see it in 3D!
    The movie that I am excited about is "The Fantastic Mr. Fox". I think it comes out on Thanksgiving Day and it was written by Roald Dahl, the same author as "James and the Giant Peach", which we are reading in class.
    By the way, class, how are you liking our new story? I think it is getting very exciting! James's Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge are horrible! I'm glad my family is so wonderful!

  3. We're going to see New Moon and 2012 on Sauterday.I can't wait!


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