Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My favorite video game by;Brandi

My favorite  video game is Mario vs luigi on the DS.It is really fun I like to go on the snow level.My favorite  power is the turtle shell.i like to  DS download with my friend josh.He is always  Mario.We have a lot of fun.We play for a long time because  we are always board when we arent  playing it.I like to play Mario vs Luigi.



  1. I have a DS but I don't have this game. I love playing Brain Age best.
    Mrs. Bain

  2. I may not have a D.S. but I do have a Gameboy.I can play Mario vs Luigi on it.....I have the game!


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