Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Matthew and I

Did you have a funny moment like me and my little brother had?I always watched SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS because it is my favorite show.Well, Matthew started watching with me.After a while, Matthew started to sing the theme song in his own baby language:"Spunch,Spunch ..."He is so funny .He makes me and my Mami laugh every time.I love him a lot!


  1. those times with your family are so special - it is fantastic that you write them down now because as you get older, some of those memories give way to important school or work stuff you need to remember - I tried to write lots of cute, silly, and funny things I said or my wife or kids said and did to remember later - pictures are awesome too! Great job -

  2. I have two little boys at home. Ezra is five and Caleb is four. They love Sponge Bob too! They sing along and laugh hysterically at all the funny parts, although I don't think they always "get" the jokes. I love reading about your family, Niky (Clifford included of-course).


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