Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Drug Free is the Key...

We celebrated Red Ribbon Week this week.  Our class really showed their school spirit and their comittment to a drug-free future.

On Monday, students received their red bracelets that said, "Drug Free is the Key".

We "Socked it to Drugs" on Tuesday, donning our craziest socks!  PTO gave us all stickers to wear.

Wednesday was "Shade Out Drugs Day" and PTO supplied the whole school with silly glasses.

Thursday was "Red Head Day" and kids wore red hats, dyed their hair red, wore red wigs and wore some crazy hats!  PTO gave us each a red pencil that was personalized for Promenade.

We wrapped up the week with a "RED RALLY" where everyone wore as much red as possible.  PTO stepped up again, and provided us with some delicious suckers.

The school was decorated with giant keys and every kid at Promenade drew or wrote about what their future was going to be like without drugs getting in the way. 

Our class won the door decorating contest.  We made the coolest mural showing Mom holding the key to the house, Dad holding the key to the car, and US, holding the keys to our drug-free future.  We're going to do some amazing things! Just wait and see!

What a creative, artistic class!  The poster had the most amazing detail and was done entirely by the kids.  Eliseo was our car artist. 
I'm very proud of my class and can't wait for the Pizza Party we earned from our PTO!


  1. Love the blog, Mrs. Bain's class! Keep up all that wonderful writing!

  2. What a fun idea, Mrs. Bain! I love your class blog. What great artists you have in your class! I love the hats and socks for red ribbon week!

  3. I think my class should've won the door decorating contest. I demand a recount. Where do I go to file a complaint? Just kidding, Mrs. Bain's class. Great Job. -Mrs. McCullough

  4. Nice job! We don't know who won at our school, but I love your door! =o)

  5. im really happy that we won the red ribbion week poster contest. We worked very hard so we deserve the pizza party and the root beer floats!!! Thank you to all my class mates for such a good job.........

  6. wow ,how proud Mrs.Bain must be to have a great class that continues to prove they are learning fr/their teacher and applying it to their future goals.Just saying no to drugs leaves all the doors open for you future.Comgrats on winning the door decorating contest!Now I want a rootbeer float too(diet please).

  7. Mrs. Bain's class, I have a question...what's your favorite thing about fall? My daughter, who's almost 3, loves stomping in puddles, collecting leaves, and Halloween. I'd have to say, I agree!


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