Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Friday, May 18, 2012

Year End May 2012

 Wow! We made it to the end of another great year! We learned some incredibly hard math (which I hope you will all be practicing this summer!)  We learned to divide using partial quotients and to multiply using the area model.  We learned about expressions, equations, and variables-Algebra!  The junior high teachers would be impressed.  We learned about probability and measurement and had a great time when our student teacher, Mrs. Rogers (and her super cool son, Gavin).  We learned to read better with prosidy and expression and plan to dazzle fans with our musical about the California Missions next week.  The field day at the park was awesome, even though we got some serious sun! Ouch!  The pizza and popsicles were yummy and "Duck, Duck,Sponge" and the relay races were super fun.  Everyone caught GOLD FEVER as we panned for gold.  I will definately miss this class.  You are a silly, funny, smart group of kids!  I had such a super time getting to know everyone!  Thanks for laughing at my silliness and putting up with moving your clips.  I am so proud of all of your hard work this year and can't wait to see you shine in 5th grade!  You will dazzle your teachers, making me so proud, proud, proud!  Thank you boys and girls for making ROOM 8 GREAT!!!!
Mrs. Bain

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