Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Blogging by the Coolest 4th Grade Class Ever

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Letter To Mrs.Bain

 Dear Mrs.Bain,
 I am having a very fun summer except I am sleeping on the ground tonight. My bed is to small and my mom dosen't want to sleep on the floor so that leaves me left. So I asked her if I could sleep in my grandma's bed and when we were on the bed it broke. So then I had to sleep on the floor!!! Now I ate lunch and I had to go to sleep then I woke up and I was crying because I fell on the hardwood floor face first. I miss you so much I want to be held back just to be in your class again. I MISS YOU!!! You are the #1 teacher in the world. Well, I have to go. BYE!!!
Suzette Zerkle #30


  1. Suzette, you are too smart to stay in 4th grade and you will LOVE your 5th grade teacher. They are all awesome! You will forget about me your first day of school! :0)
    I hope you are having a great summer! Tell your mom and dad I said hello and I will see you in August.
    Love, Mrs. Bain

  2. Mrs.Bain's previous student SuzetteMay 1, 2011 at 7:59 PM

    Your right teacher is so cool. Her name is Mrs.Saadat and you know what...if you are at school every day for the CST testing each day you get a treat! YUM!


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